Sunday, January 15, 2012

urban winter

Adrienne and I woke up to a snowy wonderland today, the first of this winter.  Below are a few shots of the 'hood when I went out for bagels.

View from the porch.  Our neighborhood has great hills that the kids (and adults) can sled down.

The Centenarian stands tall in the white stuff

20th Ave NE

The neighborhood pub

The Playground

Back at home

winter light

One of the things I love most about living in the PacNorWest is the light.  In the summer, dusk lingers forever and is a photographer's dream.  In the winter, the sun sometimes peeks below the clouds and gives off some super-vibrant colors.

This past week was spectacular, starting with that great afternoon glow on Mt. Rainier seen in the previous blogpost.  The following pics are just some I snapped while out and about.

Sunrise on another house on our block

Dusk outside my building on campus

This happens a lot around here - the sun will dip below the dark clouds and light everything up

View from our front porch in the afternoon

Wow, what a sunset!