Spring flowers at Pike Place
We still have a LONG way to go before we see consistent sunshine up here. But this time of year is pretty great - there's often afternoon sun (albeit still cold outside), the days are getting noticeably longer, and all the trees and plants are emerging from their prolonged slumber. Its been mighty enjoyable to watch - below are some scenes from around these parts.
Daffodils and cherry trees on lower campus
Seattle is ground zero for rhododendrons - some white ones on campus
Daffodils on upper campus near the cool old buildings
The upper part of campus feels like a real old-fashioned academic
institution - pink cherry blossoms coming out
I know this isn't spring-related, but I love the Harry Potter style library on campus
Famous cherry trees on upper campus in full bloom - given as gifts from Japan in the 1960s
A blooming salmonberry in our backyard
Our mossy fence
Happy AJ pretending its summertime