Yet with that abrupt change comes the magic of fall. I can do with a few less of the winter-like storms we've had already, but hey - this is the PacNorWest. Below are some scenes from the fall thus far, which has been truly enjoyable.
Harvested hops from the garden. AJ made her first fresh-hopped beer from them. Its great. The corn up above is from her garden too.
AJ in the forest for the first mushroom hunt of the year. So far, 2013 has been tremendously good for chanterelles - our last haul yielded 4lbs!
Such beauties!
The awesome orange trees in front of our neighborhood bookstore.
Fall is a good time to move inside to do some projects out of the elements - here are two cases of Chilean carmenere that I made and bottled.
The season also brings with it AJ's superior cooking skillz. This is one of her latest inventions - homemade pasta with leaves and flowers from the garden embedded. Beautiful and soooo delicious - these are chives.
And my personal favorite about fall - the light in the afternoon. Simply stunning.