Monday, July 29, 2013

a fantastical trip to magicland

AJ and I often have differing opinions, but one thing we agree on entirely is how totally totally awesome northern California is.  We wax poetic about the region - the feng-shui of the rolling hills, the endless rows of grape vines that disappear into towering forests, the rocky cliffs that give way to the sea and are home to wild intertidal creatures. We've taken a couple of great road trips down there - so we decided to do it again, and as always the epic journey did not disappoint.

Our parents had only met each other once...and that was at our wedding!  So this year we decided to bring everyone back together and gathered at the Sea Ranch north of San Francisco.  Adrienne's sister Abby flew into Seattle and drove down with us past the volcanoes, through the dry Willamette and Rogue Valleys, out to the ancient redwoods, and down the wave and wind swept coast.  A trip to remember for sure - all had a truly fantastic time.

AJ and Abby in Jacksonville, our favorite southern Oregon town

Abby in front of our B&B - built in 1865

Outdoor eating in 85 degree weather - heaven!

The old pioneer graveyard - we found Daniel Boone's cousin buried here

The bucolic landscape near Jacksonville

 The uber lovely Sutton sisters along the NorCal coast

Magial trees - the coast redwoods

AJ showing some redwood love...

Abs and AJ next to a giant

Abby taking in the sights of Fern Canyon

As Uncle Mark says..."If there are little fairies and gnomes in this world, they live in Fern Canyon."  Beautiful.

Back at camp - a little yoga, a little reading, a little wine

Early morning departure from our redwoods campsite - destination: The Sea Ranch

The Sea Ranch

AJ checking out our old haunts

Sisters on the beach

coastal succulents

Sea Ranch sea life

scaling cliffs

The typical scene - drinks and reading at Mar and Jer's, followed by dinner and movie at Ron and Dee's

The "Youngsters"- Abs, JJ and AJ

The 'rents - Mar, Ron, Dee, and Jer

The site of our nuptials - Annapolis Winery!

Lunch in the apple orchard at Annapolis

Grounds at Annapolis

This burgeoning friendship was entirely predicted

Sights on our 10-mile hike from North Sea Ranch to South Sea Ranch

Hike's over - back to the deck...

Sun on the deck

The path along the bluffs - you can hike this for 10 miles

A and J 

North Sea Ranch

This is how AJ shows her affection for The Ranch

 Last night at The Ranch - fog bank poised to move in

Off to the vineyards we go for a day of tasting in our favorite region, the Dry Creek Valley

 AJ in her natural habitat - Hawkes tasting room

An old old zinfandel vine

Camping in the Napa Valley, doing a little Oregon v CA taste test with a fire

The long (15hr) drive home...