Thursday, July 20, 2017

another salt and summit day

Summer has been sweet this year. Relatively little travel for AJ and me, long long days, and a record dry streak has made for a little slice of heaven up here in the PacNorWest.

This past weekend added to the list of what's making this summer so fun. AJ and I did yoga in the Sculpture Park, had brunch on Capital Hill with friends, celebrated a friend's 40th, beer hopped, rode our bikes 30 miles over town, and hosted a BBQ and discussion about environment and social justice in our backyard (NERDS!). And because I am taking every other Monday off, I hiked up to a mountain pass on the Olympic Peninsula and then paddled in the Salish Sea at the head of Hood Canal.

The day started with a sunrise wake up and ferry ride across the Sound to the west. I drove deep into one of the rain-forested valleys of Olympic National Park and proceeded to hike through the old growth trees up 4000 ft to Marmot Pass. The route passed by a cascading Quilcene River, grassy meadows full of flowers, and finally through the rocky pass that revealed new, stunning views into the next valley. Oh, and it was 75 degrees with blue blue skies. Perfection.

I descended back down the hill, hopped back in the car, and proceeded to sea level. There's a little island near the head of Hood Canal that caught my eye on the morning's drive, so I put my kayak in the water to check it out. I ended up finding the largest oyster bed I've ever seen in Puget Sound and watched the setting sun from my boat.

What a day. Only in the PacNorWest.

The old growth in the Quilcene River Valley.

Some local fauna.

Flowers flowers everywhere!

The view into the Olympics from Marmot Pass.

Snow in July.

The view east over Puget Sound. The Cascade Mountains are in the distance ---those aren't cloud!

J enjoying the Pass.

The Olympic Marmot.

The flowers were at peak!

On the Salish Sea.

Mount Baker over the sandbar.

Low lying oyster beds.

Oyster and shells.

Placid waters.

On the ferry home, Mount Rainier looms over the city. This photo is not photoshopped!