Sunday, December 12, 2010

meet e.t., the christmas tree

Adrienne and I have lacked the enthusiasm to decorate our house for Christmas this year - we'll be out of town for the big day and we've been focusing all our time on finishing our kitchen.  But the holiday bug bit us this weekend, so we picked up this 4-footer and busted out the ornaments and lights.  I'm glad we did - it seems criminal to forego the smell of living-room-pine-tree for the month of December...

I think this tree looks like E.T. - Adrienne disagrees.  All I see is a long neck, big head, and spindly arms and fingers.  E.T. indeed.


  1. E.T. looks sweet indeed - and perhaps is someone you rescued from a trip to the landfill? (Not your usual full-bodied tree.) I used to have Christmas crotons, then learned they are apparently poisonous to cats.
    In L.A. there's now an entrepreneur who rents living Christmas trees to people, collects them back after Christmas, takes care of them until the next Yuletide, then rents them out again. Great idea.

  2. I was thinking more of a Charlie Brown tree. It is rather small and spindly but who cares. It's the love of the season that makes the tree great.
