Saturday, January 31, 2015

this place is friggin nuts for the seahawks...

...and they should be! The Seahawks have been so much fun to watch over the past couple of years. I don't want to sound like a bandwagoner, nor will I go so far as to say the 'Hawks are my team...but how can you be against these guys? Not only do they play seriously great football, but they have stacks of extremely likeable characters - from the coach to the QB to kicker. They seem to be a reflection of this quirky city - on the front page of the Seattle Times recently was a picture of the team doing yoga, strengthening both body and mind.

Everyone's into it. The Seattle Aquarium has a helmet-wearing hermit crab named Marshawn Pinch and a charismatic bivalve named Clam Chancellor. 12th Man flags are flying EVERYWHERE, downtown skyscrapers leave their evening lights on in the shape of a massive '12.' I was at a party the other night and nearly every lady there had blue nail polish on all fingers except one - the ring finger, which was painted green. AJ and I were walking home last night and a couple of kids were leaning out their car window chanting "Sea-Hawks, Sea-Hawks, Sea-Hawks!"- we could hear them for miles. The furnace repairman came to my house yesterday and wouldn't shut up about the game. While I was picking up cat food at the pet store, a lady asked the clerk where the Russel Wilson jerseys were for her wiener dog. Where I work at UW, our scientists have put seismometers at the stadium to measure the earthquakes from the dancing and cheering fans. Its insane around here.

Its been super fun to live in a town where a Superbowl team is from, and where there is so much support. I imagine its like this for any team going to the Superbowl, but it is rare these days for an entire populous to be totally totally on the same page. Everyone is rooting for the Hawks, and it makes it great to be in Seattle.

 Cupcakes from a colleagues birthday party this week.

The 12th Man flag in the Seattle Aquarium's main tank - AJ and I were there this week for an awards ceremony, yet all anyone could talk about was the Hawks.

The seismologists at our school are using the Seahawks to not only test their life-saving earthquake sensors, but to also show the public that science is FUN!

Skittles-laced cookies at a local joint this week - free for the taking.

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook this week - instead of peanuts, all Alaska Airlines flights are passing out Skittles. And for the entire season, if you fly wearing a Russel Wilson jersey, you can board first.

 Scene from downtown tonight. Hometown pride!

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